How to Maintain and Care for Your Rowing Equipment

rowing equipment

Whether you’re an experienced rower or just setting out on your rowing journey, having the necessary equipment to get the job done is key. But it’s not enough to simply buy new gear – if you want your investment to last for as long as possible, knowing how to maintain and care for all of … Read more

Catching a Crab While Rowing and How to Recover

a tiny crab on a person palm

Have you ever had that feeling when you’re rowing and all of a sudden, your oar catches on something and you feel yourself being pulled backwards? You’ve just caught a crab! This happens when the blade of the oar catches on the water wrong, which can cause you to lose power and momentum. In this … Read more

Can weightlifting help you to become a better rower?

person carrying black barbell

Can weightlifting help you to become a better rower? This is a question that has been asked by athletes for years. The answer, surprisingly, is yes! Weightlifting can have a number of benefits for rowers, including increased strength, power and endurance. However, it is important to note that too much weightlifting can actually lead to … Read more

Can you Strike a Balance Between Being Leaner or Stronger for Rowing?

an on treadmill

There are a lot of different opinions on how to row most effectively. Some people think you should be as lean as possible, while others believe you need to be much stronger. So which is it? Should you focus on being leaner or stronger? The answer is, unfortunately, that it depends. You can be either … Read more

Is it Better to be Leaner or Stronger for Rowing?

man in muscle back view

There are many different opinions on whether it is better to be leaner or stronger for rowing. Some people believe that you should focus on being lean because it will make you faster and more efficient in the water. Others believe that you should focus on being strong so that you can generate more power … Read more

The Benefits of Being Stronger for Rowing

person holding barbell

When most people think of strength training, they think of weightlifting in a gym. However, strength training can be done in many different ways, and it doesn’t have to involve lifting weights. In fact, if you are a rower, strength training should be an important part of your fitness routine! This is because being strong … Read more

The Psychology of Gaining and Maintaining Motivation When Rowing

black trainer teaching woman doing dumbbell exercise correctly

When it comes to motivation, there are a lot of different things that come into play. For some people, the motivation to work out or row comes easy – they can get psyched up for a session and push themselves hard without much trouble. But for others, it can be more difficult to maintain motivation … Read more