Rowing VS Canoeing

Rowing VS Canoeing

Rowing and canoeing are two of the most popular water sports enjoyed by enthusiasts all over the world. These two sports are often compared and contrasted, with many debating which is better. While both involve the use of paddles or oars, there are significant differences between rowing vs canoeing. Rowing is a sport that involves … Read more

Cross-Training: The Benefits of Multi-Sports for Rowers

woman in white tank top and orange pants sitting on black and brown chair

Cross-training has become an increasingly popular way for athletes to improve their performance. By participating in a variety of sports, you can work different muscle groups and movement patterns, which will help you excel in your chosen sport. For rowers, cross-training is essential to improve strength, stamina and technique. In this blog post, we will … Read more

How Canoeing Can Benefit Your Rowing Training


Canoeing and rowing are two sports that are closely linked. In fact, many people transition from canoeing to rowing without any problems. Canoeing is a great way to improve your rowing technique, and it can also help you build up your strength and stamina. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at … Read more